Diary of a Lockdown, day 165: ‘no test sites found’
Youngest child has a runny nose, headache, sore throat and cough. In normal times I’d tell him to soldier on, but he’s just started back to school and his whole year ‘bubble’ of more than 200 children will be told to stay home if he turns out to have Covid-19, so we’re doing the responsible […]
Diary of a Lockdown, day 114: is it safe to go out?
I’m making face-masks out of old T-shirts. As the government has stopped dithering and made face-masks compulsory in shops as well as on public transport, we are going to need a supply. I don’t want to be adding to the plastic waste in the oceans, so I’m hoping my family can be persuaded to use […]
Diary of a Lockdown, day 47: waiting
These last few days have been filled with lazy hours sunbathing, barbecue smells – and waiting for a decision from the government. Will lockdown continue or start to be lifted? Will health or wealth win the national argument? Sunday, it is forecast the weather will change and Britain will be plunged into Arctic cold, and […]
Diary of a Lockdown, day 5: life in a 1970s sitcom
Toilet rolls are back in our local Sainsbury’s – but there are no baking goods. Husband went out hunting and gathering this morning with a list that included strong white flour, plain flour, sugar and baking powder, but he came back empty-handed. How foolish was I to think I was was the only one planning […]
Diary of a Lockdown, day 3: making this up as we go along
Today’s hot topic is the protocols of social distancing. How do we organise ourselves on the occasions we need to leave the house to get to the places we need to get to without breathing droplets of coronavirus all over our fellow man? We’ve not done this before. We don’t know the rules. It’s not […]
Hooked by Tamsin’s South London story
Brixton author Tamsin Grey first thought of becoming a writer when she was just seven, but buried the idea in her 20s and 30s considering it, ‘deeply embarrassing and big-headed’ to think she might be able to write something other people would want to read. It was only in her 40s, with an established civil […]
Is Yoga different in a place of worship?
At St Margaret’s Church in Streatham Hill, I’ve been teaching yoga by candlight each Monday evening over the last couple of months. And I’ve been suprised at how special the sessions have felt in the big space. Early in the evening, warm light floods in through the large stained-glass west window. As the sun sets […]
Stronger together: in politics and in life
I constantly struggle with the tension between a life-long desire to change the world (still undiminished at 50!) and yoga’s ideas of acceptance and contenement with things just the way they are. In the days since the momentous Brexit referendum result, it’s been hard for even the most detached yogi to avoid the murky world […]
Blossoms of Streatham Hill
The blossoms of Streatham Hill are so brilliant. Some are delicate and subtle, others frilly, lacy, blousey. I’ve been getting a cricked neck from taking pictures of them on my daily walks to and from school this week. A.E. Housman The Loveliest of Trees: Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along […]